PennDot to Conduct Webinars on PennDOT Streetery Guide, Streetery Permit Application, and Streetery User Fee Valuation Worksheet
March 19th, 2025PennDot has scheduled two webinars to discuss comments received during the Streetery clearance transmittal review. The dates and times of the webinars are listed below as well as the links to join the webinar:
Dates and Times:
Monday, March 24, 9 to 10am
Tuesday, March 25, 2 to 3pm
To join the meetings on Microsoft Teams, click the link below:
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 238 675 094 900
Passcode: dr6Rh3Jm
To join the meeting by phone, dial the number listed below:
+1 267-332-8737,,647885734# United States, Philadelphia
Phone conference ID: 647 885 734#
The two meetings will cover the same information and will walk through key changes to the drafts of the PennDOT Streetery Guide, Streetery Permit Application, and Streetery User Fee Valuation Worksheet.
For questions about the webinars, contact:
Doug Tomlinson, PE | Chief, Highway Safety and Traffic Operations
PA Department of Transportation | Bureau of Operations
400 North Street | Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-979-6355 |