Newly Elected Municipal Officials Boot Camp

The Newly Elected Municipal Officials Training is intended for all elected and appointed municipal officials.This two day course is designed to help you become a knowledgeable municipal official, providing guidance on:
- Structure and Organization of Municipal Government
- Your Duties and Responsibilities as a Municipal Official
- Important State Laws and Programs Affecting PA Municipal Governments
- Running Effective and Legal Meetings
- Municipal Finances and Services
- Intergovernmental Cooperation and Community & Economic Development
- Resources Available to You and Your Community
While this introduction to municipal government is a start, there will be something new to learn every day. There will be times when what you knew for certain last week will be changed this week, either through a new law, or an amendment to an existing one or a court will issue a ruling that will change what you knew. Many boroughs have full time staff who manage the day-to-day affairs, including a borough secretary, which every borough is required to have.
PSAB’s Training and Professional Development Department is here to help. Through webinars and classroom training we provide accessible, affordable, and practical educational workshops, seminars, and information to municipal officials and employees in order to help them perform their duties and serve their communities more effectively. For upcoming training opportunities, click here.
The job of a borough official evolves on a regular basis. From responding to emergency situations to crafting operating budgets, PSAB’s Certified Borough Officials Program (CBO) provides training to help you manage issues in your community. The CBO program is a voluntary achievement program available to elected and appointed borough officials. Upon completion, you will be awarded a Certificate of Achievement at the PSAB Annual Conference.
By attending this NEMO training, you can earn 12 CBO credits. Learn more about this program here.