Certified Borough Officials Program

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The Certified Borough Officials (CBO) Program, is a voluntary educational achievement program for borough officials. It is designed to promote continuing education for borough officials and excellence in local government service. The CBO designation signifies a commitment to education, leadership, and staying informed on important issues that affect borough communities.

To view your total CBO credits, visit and log into your account at www.myaccount.boroughs.org. Select the “My CBO Credits” tab to view all applicable credits. The code(s) listed under “Credit Type” may be found on the flyer linked above within the title of each requirement.

To receive credits for in-person PMPEI classes, click here to complete and submit a credit request form online. Online PMPEI classes booked through PSAB, are automatically tracked for credits.

Questions? Contact Dani Baker-Papinchak, Director of Training Operations & CBO Program Manager, at dbaker@boroughs.org.

Please note, the CBO Program is only available to officials and staff of member boroughs in good standing.