About PSAB


The Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) is a statewide, non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to serving 955 borough governments. Since 1911, PSAB has represented the interests of boroughs and helped to shape the laws that laid their foundation.

Click herCover of PSAB history booke to read more about PSAB's history.

Today, the Association continues to improve and assist local governments through legislative advocacy, research, education, and other services. With more than 2.6 million Pennsylvanians residing in borough communities, our members strive to deliver quality leadership and service to citizens across the Commonwealth.
Today, boroughs represent 37.5 percent of all municipal governments in the Commonwealth. An average of 15 boroughs exist per county and nearly 20 percent of the state’s population resides in these communities.
PSAB’s primary objectives are to provide legislative/regulatory representation at both the state and federal levels; to promote constructive and cooperative relationships among boroughs and between PSAB and other levels of government; to deliver training and technical assistance to borough officials; and to provide cost-effective programs and services.

Click here to view the 2023 Annual Report.