Junior Council Person Program
The Junior Council Person (JCP) Program provides youth in your community with an opportunity to get engaged in borough government and develop leadership skills. It also allows borough officials to serve as mentors to students who will be future leaders in their communities.
Since 2000, PSAB has been encouraging high school students to get involved in borough government by becoming a JCP. Since that time, hundreds of students have participated in the JCP Program in boroughs throughout PA. To participate in the program, complete and return the information portion of the Brochure and return it to Stephanie Drake, Deputy Executive Director and JCP Program Director at sdrake@boroughs.org.
Distinguished Junior Council Person Award
PSAB recognizes qualified Junior Council Person(s) by presenting a Distinguished Junior Council Person Award in recognition of his or her commitment to your borough. A member of the PSAB Board of Directors or the program director will honor your JCP at a borough council meeting. Download the Recognition Request Form and return it to schedule this special recognition or contact Stephanie Drake, Deputy Executive Director and JCP Program Director, at sdrake@boroughs.org.
Resources for Developing a JCP Program in Your Borough
Resources for Developing a JCP Program in Your Borough
JCP Resource Guide
Grove City Borough JCP Presentation
JCP Program Guide to Borough Government
JCP Pledge
Roberts Rules of Order
JCP Sample Resolution
JCP Recognition Request Form
Sample Press Release to Announce New JCP
Sample Press Release to Recognize Distinguished JCP Award Recipient
Photo Gallery
Junior Council Person (JCP) Presentations