PSAB Past Presidents
In 1911, Thomas Chrostwaite, a native of Ashley Borough, Luzerne County, founded the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB). He had served for many years as a solicitor in Hanover Borough, York County, where he became fascinated with municipal law and local government history. Chrostwaite served as the President of the Association from that time until his retirement in 1957.
During his years of service he helped the membership flourish. Chrostwaite developed legislative platforms and advanced the education of municipal officials. Today, PSAB represents 955 boroughs. Over the years, PSAB has been represented by leaders throughout the state who have helped the Association remain true to its foundation of legislative advocacy, research, education, and other services.
Click here to a view a photo gallery of past presidents.
PSAB Past Presidents
2023-2024 - Don "Stretch" Reed
2022-2023 - Edward A. Child
2019-2022 - Tom Gramling
2018-2019 - Carl Cox
2017-2018 - William S. Rossey
2016-2017 - Chuck Mummert
2015-2016 - Jack J. Lawver
2014-2015 - Edward A. Child
2013-2014 - Kathleen N. DePuy
2012-2013 - Betty Ann Moyer
2011-2012 - Ronald E. Evanko
2010-2011 - James. W. Felmlee
2008-2010 - Robert “Doc” Orr
2008 - Donald Carman*
2007-2008 - Thomas M. Oliverio
2006-2007 - Ann Simonetti
2005-2006 - Thomas R. Stanton*
2004-2005 - Ross W. Watts*
2003-2004 - Helen E. Jackson*
2002-2003 - John Dorin
2001-2002 - Sterling E. Smith*
2000-2001 - Richard G. Brine*
1999-2000 - Barbara Breininger
1998-1999 - Carol Sambol*
1997-1998 - Ralph P. Moore*
1996-1997 - Harold L. Brungard*
1995-1996 - Marion Alexander*
1994-1995 - Isador Steiner*
1993-1994 - Samuel H. Black*
1992-1993 - Steve M. Perovich*
1991-1992 - Howard W. Eckert, Jr.*
1990-1991 - John V. Thompson
1989-1990 - Richard DiPrimio*
1988-1989 - Raymond P. Keffer*
1987-1988 - Frank P. Fisher*
1986-1987 - Mary Ripley*
1985-1986 - Samuel W. Worley
1984-1985 - Robert J. Tomasic
1983-1984 - Abram R. Clemmer*
1982-1983 - Bernard G. Kubitza
1981-1982 - Carmon O. Flynn, Sr.*
1980-1981 - Anthony J. Defilippi*
1979-1980 - Harry P. Schrum*
1978-1979 - William Higgins*
1977-1978 - Judson Laird*
1976-1977 - Arnold Addison*
1975-1976 - Marion D. Fulton*
1974-1975 - Dr. Gerald R. Shuster
1973-1974 - Willis M. Houck*
1972-1973 - John McManus*
1971-1972 - Robert H. Steward*
1970-1971 - Cecil K. Leberknight*
1969-1970 - Carl W. Fuehrer*
1968-1969 - Arthur M. Zeiders*
1967-1968 - George F. Mahaney*
1966-1967 - Ernest K. Bossert*
1965-1966 - John S. Buchanan*
1964-1965 - Michael A. Shust*
1963-1964 - Myron F. Boyer*
1962-1963 - Robert C. Keim*
1961-1962 - Ralph L. Gessler*
1960-1961- Kesniel C. Acton*
1959-1960 - D. William Arndt*
1958-1959 - Clarence H. Clasper*
1957-1958 - Gus D. Houtman*
1911-1957 - Thomas F. Chrostwaite*
* Indicates PSAB Past Presidents who are deceased.