
Local Government Energy Efficiency Grant & Loan Opportunity

October 16th, 2024

Municipal Opportunities for Retrofits and Energy Efficiency (MORE) Program Summary

Currently, local governments have few options available to finance projects with impactful energy saving potential. The MORE Program’s primary goal is to improve energy efficiency for local government buildings and facilities by reducing the barriers to obtaining a low or even zero interest loan to accomplish larger, more effective energy efficiency projects.

The MORE Program is a financing program that will support local governments who did not receive an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) from the Department of Energy to cost effectively deploy energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The program consists of two parts, a MORE Grant and a MORE Loan. The MORE Program will be open for initial application for Grants and Loans on June 3, 2024. A total of approximately $1.8 million is available statewide to support MORE Grants until October 25, 2024. Approximately $9 million will be available for MORE Loans, which will be open for application beginning June 3, 2024 and remain open to eligible recipients as a revolving loan fund. However, those who are eligible for a MORE Loan are eligible for a MORE Grant and should apply for the Grant first.

While MORE Grant recipients are not required to apply for a MORE Loan, the MORE Grant specifically provides zero cost funding to accomplish the necessary due diligence in preparation for applying for a MORE Loan including the opportunity to significantly reduce the interest rate of a MORE Loan.
MORE Grants are a new first-come, first-served grant to local governments who didn’t receive EECBG funds to support the identification, planning, and financing of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Grants up to $50,000 can be awarded for any or all of the following uses:

1. Conduct Level 2 Commercial Energy Audits of buildings and/or facilities
2. Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) project design and MORE Loan application development
3. Interest rate buydown. Grantees can buy-down the interest rate of project financing under the MORE Loan Program

$1 million of the $1.8 million in MORE Grant funds will be reserved for priority applicants. While the program will open for all applicants on June 3, 2024, the $1 million priority applicant reserve will be in effect for the first 3 months program applications are open (June 3, 2024 – August 30, 2024). After August 30, 2024, any remaining funds not applied for and/or awarded which were set aside for priority applicants will be open to all eligible applicants.

Applicants can apply through the Commonwealth’s Electronic Single Application (ESA) website: Paper applications will not be accepted.

MORE Loans are administered through National Energy Improvement Fund (NEIF). MORE Loans can be used for retrofits, energy efficiency upgrades, and renewable energy generation (when paired with energy efficiency measures). These loans are low interest loans and can be have repayment periods of up to 15 years or the end of the project’s useful life. To qualify, applicants must have a level 2 commercial energy audit and an energy project scope based on audit results. MORE Grants help to alleviate the barriers of funding access by paying for the required audit, project planning, and buying down the interest rate. Successful applicants could potentially buydown their interest rate to 0% on a MORE Loan depending on the cost of the project and repayment terms.

The MORE Program is offering $1.8 million in first come, first served grants which will only be open until December 6, 2024, while the MORE Loan will remain open as long as funds are available.  $1 million of the $1.8 million in grants will be set aside for priority applicants until August 30, 2024. As such, local governments are encouraged to apply early. A list of priority applicants for the MORE Program is attached.

MORE Program website

Visit the MORE Program website for more information and updates.